New kitty cat to color. Send me a picture of your finished art work! To print, download image and print as a full page photo. Happy Coloring! Find more pages here. #AdultColoringPage
April 20, 2015
April 8, 2015
Coloring Pages
I belong to the Color Pencil Society of America and our chapter is participating in a project to provide coloring books for adults undergoing chemotherapy, to give them something to concentrate on while they are receiving their treatment. Creating line drawings like these is something I've never done before but liked immensely. I will probably create more, but I wanted to share the ones I've drawn for the book. Please feel free to print them out for yourself or anyone else who wants to color and send me pics of the results! To print, download image and print as a full page photo. Happy Coloring! #AdultColoringPages
The Latest art work
It's hard to believe that it has been over two years since my last post, but to my credit, I moved, had a kid and wrote two or three novels, so I haven't been idle. Only recently have I started drawing in earnest again and here are some of the finished products.
Title: Frozen Fairy Dreams (Colored Pencil on 100% Cotton Paper) Click to see the full image.
Title: Pink Kaleidoscope Spring (Colored Pencil on 100% Cotton Paper)
Title: Frozen Fairy Dreams (Colored Pencil on 100% Cotton Paper) Click to see the full image.
Title: Pink Kaleidoscope Spring (Colored Pencil on 100% Cotton Paper)
February 8, 2013
I’m still alive!
I know, it’s been a while, but I have a good excuse. See, in
among all the excitement of the last post from mid-November, I also found out
I was pregnant. Now there are some women who are great at being pregnant. I am
not one of those. Between three bouts of colds/flu and several months of
morning sickness, I am simply glad that I was able to hold my place in life,
meaning the house is still standing, no one starved and no irreparable damage
was done. Now that I am starting to have good days again, it is amazing to me
how many dreams and ambitions have returned. I hope that I can always remember
how it feels to be in bad health and be thankful for the good days even if I
don’t get anything accomplished. Anyway, I won’t give you any more details
about the last three months because I am SOoooo tired of being sick, talking
about being sick and thinking about sick.
Even though
I’ve have been mostly out of commission and BooBear has decided that naps are not her thing anymore, I have managed a get few things done. I am taking a figure
drawing class with Lisa Semerad at the Torpedo Factory. It is a great class and
I’m learning quite a bit, but I wish I could take a day time class. By 7pm, I
am usually settling in for the night and it’s tough to keep up the interest after
a long day with the toddler. I also have created a few crafty things, including
2 bracelets, earrings, necklace charm, and plaque and name cards for the
sister-in-law’s wedding. I also edited 1.5 chapters of the novel. When I write
it out like that, it doesn’t seem like much, but when I start to feel like that
I have to remind myself that I also grew about 5 months worth of new human
being. The due date is July 9 but I am hoping for a 7-6-13 birthday just
because the numbers are cool. Oh yeah, I’ve been working more on my ice dragon.
Here is the comparison. Lisa (from the art class I’m taking) suggested a darker
background behind the dragon and it looks fantastic!
Now that I
have come back to life, so to speak, I have a lot of things I want to do, but I
am going to prioritize a few. 1) Keep editing the novel. 2) Write a pitch for
the upcoming Nano contest and hope I win their little lotto so I can get some
free professional critiques. 3) Paint some picture matts for friends. 4) Prepare
for the new baby and possible move. There are several other projects that I
would like to work on, but they are pretty ambitious and maybe not the best
focus, but… since I’m enthusiastic about them, I might not wait for a more
prudent time. 1) Create a tree on the wall in Sabrina’s room for family photos.
(Reason for not starting: we might move.) 2) Put some effort in a comic/blog
and get it off the ground. (Reason against: should focus on the other stuff).
3) Paint pretty designs on Boo Bear’s furniture. (Reason against: Need someone
to add another coat of paint before I can do decorative painting because I am
supposed to stay away from paint fumes.
November 17, 2012
Victory and Courage to Quit
So, November has been a very eventful month and it is only
half over. As I often mention around this time of year, November is NationalNovel Writing Month and this year I was more prepared than I've ever been. This
showed in my first week word count of about 2000 words per day, when previously
I've struggled to get to the minimum of 1,667 words. Then week two came along
and I began to struggle with one of the story tracks. Words would fly out on
the other, but it was agonizing going for the problem track. Around this
time, I got very sick, my cat died and a few other things came up and I fell
behind. I would rally and catch up or catch up enough to make success still
possible, but then fall behind again when I was too sick to write or my daughter wouldn't nap. Finally, I came to realize that I was
walking a fine line between sanity and pushing myself to reach this goal that
no one but myself cared about. In other words I was just making myself sicker
and not dealing with the grief I felt over my cat. I contemplated quitting, but
the reality was that I could have pushed myself through to achieve this goal of
50,000 words so I wouldn't have to admit to myself that I was a quitter. Here’s
the thing - people always celebrate the
person who pushes through to achieve the impossible goal no matter what the
cost and ostracize the person who quits, but I think it takes even more courage
to quit than to keep going. At least I have always found it to be so. I feel as
if I have let everyone down, let myself down and in general created a big void
of disappointment. I would be easier to bottle up my own feelings than to disappoint and justify. Quitting is not easy for me and it was not easy this time,
but in the long term, I will be better in regards to my mental and physical health and the novel I am writing will be better. I will have time to figure
out what is wrong with the story instead of just pouring out bad drivel to get
a word count. And I will finish this story. I always do. Each Nano novel I have
written has been completed much later and is another 30-40K longer than the 50K
nano goal. So, I am taking the pressure off and taking a break to feel better.
However, it’s
not all sad news from this quarter. My Fairy-kissed Acorns made it into the
Small Works art show at the Torpedo factory. Victory is mine! I’m over the
moon! Unfortunately, the reception fell right at the beginning of my cold and I couldn't rally myself to attend, make new acquaintances and spread my plague to
as many as possible. I was extremely disappointed, but as if to make up for it,
I received a nice letter in the mail from an admirer of my drawing. How often
does that happen? I won’t copy the whole note here, even though I am tempted,
but will mention that the words “luxury, beautiful and vibrant colors” were
used in the letter. So nice!!!! I’m going to keep the note forever in my little
art scrap book! So, if you are ever impressed with someone’s creation, please
do not be afraid to tell them. I promise they will appreciate it. :)
conclusion, it has been a memorable month and will probably continue to be so.
Keep tuned for whatever comes next.
October 31, 2012
Fairy-Kissed Acorns
While walking at a local park, I came across acorns that were not the traditional brown or even the premature green, but a myriad of fall colors. Like a magpie, I collected pockets full. To prove the acorns were really this color, I took several photos, but I wanted to draw them from a still life. I had to get cracking before they turned to common brown acorns. Here is the result. This will be my next entry into the art league show and possibly into an online show. Except for some framing work, I am done with art for a while so I can participate in Nanowrimo.
Fairy-Kissed Acorns
Fairy-Kissed Acorns
September 8, 2012
September 5, 2012
Art and rejection
Today I was rejected from another show. To be fair there was about a 20% chance my art would be accepted based on the number of entries/space. I know fantastical art is not enthusiastically received at everyday galleries, but I decided to start trying again. For this first show, I didn’t enter my best work even though that is the rule. My best work is unframed, unfinished or in another show. I entered two pieces that I drew over ten years ago in hopes they would be accepted and sell so I wouldn’t have to move them around anymore. Again, I had little hope they would be accepted, but I was more disappointed by their rejection than I anticipated. While pondering why I should still feel so acutely for something that I drew over 10 years ago and that I knew was not my best work anymore, I came to a realization that those pieces of art work have become anchors weighing me down.
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Allure of the Spinners |
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In the Dust |
But the thought of giving a
drawing away is heart rending in its own way. All my drawings are my children
and it is very hard to part with them sometimes. I’ve given others away, but I’ve
given them to people who will appreciate them and treasure them. Unfortunately,
there are a few drawings that I can’t imagine anyone liking enough to hang in
their home and “In the Dust” is one of those. It is easier to imagine a
stranger wanting to buy it than to figure out which friend will treasure it. What
if I offer it to someone and they don’t like it? They might accept it out of
politeness, look at it in horror and only hang it when I come for a visit. What
if it ends up in the dumpster someday or is donated as one of those sad
Goodwill pictures? How can I give it away when this might be its fate? I’d
rather sell it to a stranger than risk giving it to a friend, because by paying
the money for it the stranger has proved he wants to own it and love it, but I
have yet to find that stranger. So, you see how I have chained myself to these
ten year old drawings. I love them and they make me feel rejected all at the
same time, but in the end they have to go. Good bye, little pieces of me.
September 3, 2012
A Million Blue Butterflies
A couple months ago, I painted some blue butterflies and I liked them so much I've decided to paint a million more of them. So I have my start with a score of mini canvases to paint and here is my first butterfly.
Here is my work table covered in canvases in varying degrees of sky, cloud and so on..
August 29, 2012
Oil painting class projects
So here are a few paintings in varying degrees of completion from the class I took on color and oil painting.
This is my first portrait with oils and even though it has problems, I am quite happy with it. BTW, she isn't angry. That is just the neutral face of a model that has to sit for 3 hrs while beginners squint at her from behind their easels.
All in al, the class was a fun and interesting experience even though no one talked.
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